Translation of the first abstract Production of Economical and Waterproof Vegan Leather Material

Translation of the first abstract Production of Economical and Waterproof Vegan Leather Material

Translation of the first abstract Production of Economical and Waterproof Vegan Leather Material The current invention introduces new ingredients and provides a product related to artificial leather that is of great demand. Being a material that is used in several fields and being an important raw material that is used in many industries, in addition to its use at the consumer level as it is a raw material that can be used in the manufacture of clothing, especially rainwear such as rain coats and other uses, all this show its important in Iraq. The material is industrially applicable without any obstacles so it can be produced or used in the industrial, crafts, artistic, and design fields. Additionally, it provides alternatives to this type of raw materials that are imported from outside Iraq and cost the country a lot of money at the time that it is possible to get the raw materials and components locally from the Iraqi environment and at very low prices. Unlike the synthetic leather material that contains chemicals (with a high degree of toxicity) which may cause a significant harm to humans, the manufacture of such type of raw materials is considered safe at the health level because it is a natural material which is made of palm trees that are friendly to humans. Also, the prepared material and through many laboratory tests proved that it is not affected by humidity and temperature. The material was manufactured based on studied scientific bases taking into account the Iraqi weather conditions

2020-09-06 1144