The volleyball is one of game with need high level of bodies power and high ability of accuracy , to perform the base skills , like the skill of send out . As well as this game request high level fitness as a Muscle strength of the player. The player can not performance the skill's movement without it , because the muscle strength has the direct part and effective which produced a good performance to win the game . No special instruments founded to know the measurement of (accuracy and power of sending out ) . But when we used the device which currently designed , we can know the value of accuracy and power of sending out for each hit Simultaneously and digitally for each player alone , through training . This added to training operation a new and Simultaneously method to know about the level of the player , with quantitatively and with the least time and effort of sport trainer , to give readings to the players and trainers for supporting the strength points and weakening of weaknesses . The aim of designing this device that to get the direct digital value , when the player sent out so we will get digital value and simultaneously , in way of this device , which contain a sensitive devices to register the hits in time of sending out and change it to digital values through a system by transporting the signals to already program and designed for this device , to give a direct digital value for each send out hit. So it helps by
2020-09-07 1101