Translation of the abstract Utilizing Fish Scales Ash in the Production of Low-Temperature and Low-Cost Organic Glass The current invention introduces a type of glass that is used in many fields such as materials used in decoration and furniture, materials that are used in the architecture, and utensils and various pieces of materials that can be used as parts of home furniture like the surfaces that are placed on furniture tables. It is also involved in the manufacturing of glass for the cabin of an aircraft due to its lightness. The produced material can be used in many applications, in addition to the fact that it works to get rid of one of the environmental waste by making use of fish scales to produce a type of important glass that is industrially applicable without any obstacles. The product that can be used in many industrial fields, is produced from ingredients that are locally available in the Iraqi environment at very low prices. The manufacture of such type of glass is considered safe at the health level, as this natural material is available in large quantities has not been utilized before in manufacturing of such products. The laboratory tests that have conducted on the product showed its high efficiency. The prepared material has the advantage of being environmentally friendly because it helps to take the advantage of discarded fish waste and reproduce them in a very new and useful industry.
2020-09-08 1184