Wall Decorations in Arabic Architecture / Communicative Patterns and Symbolic Signs The Arabic wall decorations acquire the features of permanence and continuity through an unbroken movement represented by the formative infrastructure of the temporal image of the masterpiece and the decoration. The process of decoration is in harmony with the concept of movement, its speed and direction which are related to the unspecified time. In this book, the readers can read the following: 1. Introduction about the book. 2. Chapter One: talks about the unity and diversity in Arabic and Islamic murals / Cordoba Mosque as a model. The most important topics in this chapter are: a. The first topic: A historical introduction to the Mosque of Cordoba. b. The second topic: Unity and diversity in the Arabic and Islamic wall decoration. c. Analytical reading of the mural patterns in the Mosque of Cordoba. d. Summary of the chapter. e. References. 3. Chapter Two: This chapter talks about the semantic patterns in Arabic wall decorations / Al-Mustansiriya School as a model). The chapter is organized as following: a. Introduction about the chapter. b. Definition of terms that are mentioned in the chapter. c. The first topic: Wall decorations in the Al-Mustansiriya School. d. The second topic: Significance between thought, beauty, and mathematical proportions of the decorations of the Al-Mustansiriya School. e. An analytical reading of the descriptive formats in Al-Mustansiriya School. f. Summary of the chapter. g. References. 4. Chapter Three: This chapter covers different aspects of the aesthetic of the decorative design in the murals of the Abbasid palace and as following: a. Introduction about the chapter. b. The first topic: Introductory introduction to the decorative design in the Abbasid palace. c. The second topic: The decorative design in the Abbasid palace and its aesthetic dimensions. d. An Analytical study of the ornamental wall paintings of the Abbasid Palace. e. Summary and References. 5. Chapter Four: the last chapter of the book talks about the aesthetics of movement in muqarnas and Arabic motifs, Sheikh Maarouf al-Karkhi mosque as a model. In this chapter, you can read: a. Introduction about the chapter. b. Definition of terms that are mentioned in the chapter. c. The first topic: Muqarnas and decorations in the Mosque of Sheikh Maarouf al-Karkhi. d. The second topic: The aesthetics of the movement in muqarnas and Islamic decorations. e. An analytical and descriptive reading of the muqarnas and ornaments of the Sheikh Maarouf al-Karkhi mosque. f. Summary and Refer
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